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Likely hood of your partner to get the infection - LOW
Let me explain this to you.
1.You had the lesion on testes - This reduces the risk, however still your partner can get infected as viral shedding can occur from the lesion in testes and reach the penis tip.
2. Crusted lesion - All lesions of genital herpes are not infective. Only active lesions are infective. Are you treatment with anti virals ? If you are treatment the risk of transmission is much lesser
3. General risk - With single exposure the risk of Genital HSV could be as low as 5% . So inherently the risk is low.
4. The person could have been already infected (Upto 50-60 adults have HSV 1&2 in their system
Putting all these together we can see that the risk is low. However it is still possible. Consider disclosing this to friend. If the lesions are active you should take anti viral medication as this will reduce the spreading.
Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followups.
Thank you
Patient replied :
Thanks for the reply. It's been 5 days now and no sign of anything, so from the CDC range stating almost all people that will show symptoms do so within 4-7 days of exposure, I am guessing I am starting to be in the clear.
Another question is, it seems that I am having a double/secondary herpes outbreak. The night after I had this encounter, I noticed tingling/itching as well as nerve aching. Today, (5 days later) I now have 2 unopened herpes blisters on the left side of my penis shaft near the rim of the head.
Would this have come into play when I had the encounter earlier, or was the timing lucky in that I did not notice and prodrome symptoms until the next night?
The fact that your partner has not developed any signs or symptoms is a good sign. However it does not totally rule out infection as delayed presentation can occur. The fact that you seem to have active herpes blisters is unfortunately a bad sign as it suggests you might have been infective during the sexual encounter.
Observe for a a week or so. In view of you new lesion its recommended that your partner get tested for STD. Also you should consider antiviral treatment in under the guidance of your Doctor.
Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups.
Thank you