Help in interpreting HCG TEST with discharging nipples.

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Hi, I need help.
I took an HCGB test and need help interpreting the results. The last time I had sex was September 20th, and the last time I had my period was October 20th. I have not had my period yet this month and my nipples have been discharging.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
While opening the document, I realized the print was too small, I was not able to read it clearly.
I would request you to just take a snapshot of the value of the B HCG and then upload it, that way the reading would be clearer to read.
I could read ' < 2 ' as the result, is that correct.
If that is so, then it means that you are not pregnant.
There has to be some other reason for your delayed cycles.
Please confirm the test result so that I can then guide you further.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Patient replied :

Yes, that is what it says. My nipples have been darkening, my breast have been hurting, and I've been discharching from my breasts. I've also been having lots of stomache pain and back pain. I've also been having acne and beauty marks popping up and a decrease in apatite. I've also had vaginal pain, and the joint connecting my leg to my pelvis has been aching. My vagina is appearing to be a little darker as well. I've had a lump on my left side of my stomache, but it has now moved to the right. And my stomache is hard. Does any of this make sense? Should I get an untrasound done to confirm? I have just started my period (this is the second time I have gotten it since the last time I have had sex), but the symptoms I have mentioned above have been constant for the last two months

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

The symptoms are classic of hormonal imbalance.
The test conclusively says you are not pregnant.
You do not need an ultrasound scan to confirm that, but you should have it to explain the missed periods and other symptoms.
Stress, anxiety, weight fluctuations, travelling, exercise, smoking, drinking, late nights, erratic eating - all can affect periods.
You should have hormonal assay and a scan to rule out polycystic ovaries, endometrial hyperplasia or other conditions.
Hormonal tests should include - FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free Testosterone, Lipid profile and the scan should be a pelvic scan done transvaginally.

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Patient replied :

Hi again, Could that be causing the breast lactation, pain, and darkening, veins popping out, and stomache pain/gas. I really haven't been feeling good. It feels like I have blood rushing through veins in different parts of my body, ie., my arm, leg stomache, etc. It feels like there's just a moment where my veins or whatnot is raised, and something is passing though and twitchy. My hand and leg will randomly feel like they have fallen asleep and hurt like knives are cutting into them.
My stomache feels like there's something fluttering whithin it, and hurts. To the direct left of my belly button, if I press on it, it hurts all through my body and I hear & feel some gas or air moving. My head just is dizy and my eyesight has been blury. I've also been super thirsty and having asthma. I've also been having clay-like diarreah (sp?). My last three periods have started out normal, than, like after three days, gotten light. Also, they a little less clotted than usual. Also, another weird this is, the ends of my eyebrows seem to be falling out

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

Please have the workup suggested.
- FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, Free testosterone, OGTT, DHEAS.
Also a transvaginal scan will be helpful.
The symptoms point towards hypothyroidism.
The hormonal levels will show if that is the case.

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