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Heart beat problems

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From the past 6 months, I am suffering from some heart related problems. Multiple chest pains a day, palpitation, shortness of breath. Of these, shortness of breath occurs only when doing some exercise. But I can get a chest pain at any time. I consulted with my GP and got diagnosed that I have had heart murmur. After that I took a complete blood test along with thyroid, which seems normal in all. I went to some other GP, who told me that it is related with heart and got referred to a heart event monitor. It also had normal in results and my GP told me that I am imagining it. Anyone can see that my heart is pounding very hard. I use two heart rate monitors, of which one is an expensive device with ecg accuracy. They also show a normal of 80-90 beats while resting and about 100-140 while walking. Sometimes it went as high as 200 to237 while walking gently. I am in my wits end that I cannot work well now-a-days. I am a 26 year old guy with normal weight levels. Now I am in a state of despair and insanity. There is no history of any heart problems in my family. Why this happens to me? Please help.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online

Hello. Thank you for writing to us.

The symptoms you described suggest that you are probably experiencing palpitations. Here I shall try to narrate some conditions which could lead to your present symptoms.

The first and the foremost is Anxiety. It is the most common condition, almost and always seen in every age group that could lead to palpitations. The heart appears to be pounding and the individual is conscious about this feeling. Overexertion and panic are the other two conditions associated with palpitations. Endocrine disorders like hyperthyroidism, substances like caffeine, drugs like adrenaline, amphetamine all of these lead to palpitations. Lastly heart diseases like mitral stenosis also lead to palpitations.

As all the lab tests that you have undergone are normal, anxiety appears to be the culprit in your case. However, to rule out any associated heart pathology, I would recommend you to consult a cardiologist and have a complete physical examination done along with tests like echocardiogram as advised by the cardiologist.

Hope this helps.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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