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Frozen FEMPRAL ARTERIES, abandoned KIDNEY TRANSPLANT. Any other treatment?

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Patient with high BP & Sugar doc advised for Kidney Transplant, but on the operation table docs discovered that femoral arteries got frozen and not suitable for making any tapping to accommodate new kidney. The operation abandoned. Patient is now depending on dialysis.

Is there any treatment available to restore the arteries so that it can receive a kidney?

Category: Nephrologist

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Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
 31 Doctors Online

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Diabetic patients are supposed to be having bad blood vessels due to accelerated atherosclerosis ( a phenomenon of cholesterol deposition over the inner layers of blood vessels ) it also depends on the duration of the T2DM.
We can guess reasonably before transplant surgery itself about the quality of blood vessels so that we discourage or avoid transplant
It is also possible that his femoral vein was cannula red for the sake of dialysis ( I presume) which would have spoiled the vessel leading to thrombosis ( blood clotting).
There is no method which keeps the vessels better
Can you submit more details about him- more medical details?

Patient replied :

Thank you very much for your reply. 'There is no method which keeps the vessels better' ...this line concludes everything. However, still you asked for more details....can you please name the test or the particular datas that you may need?

Duration of diabetes ?
Was he cannulated before?
Did he undergo Doppler before transplant?
Was it due to changes in arteries or veins ?
Did they check on both the sides or one side ?
Does he smoke ?
What ever said and done , he can't go for transplant and better to think of CAPD

Patient replied :

hello Doctor, Good Morning,
Age: 50 yrs.
Duration of Diabetes: 22 Yrs.
Was she cannulated: I don't understand this question. However, there is neck channel for dialysis.
Did she undergo Doppler before transplant: Yes, report attached with discharge summary.
Was it due to changes in arteries or veins: not sure
Did they check on both the sides or one side: Both the side for the entire possible length.
Does she smoke: No, never.

There appears to a systemic problem . Cannulation means keeping a catheter tube for dialysis in femoral ( groin ) area. Don't worry. She has a high tendency for such problem being a dietetic of such a long duration. She should have been evaluated much before so that an unnecessary surgery could have been avoided. She can go for CAPD if possible


Dr. D. Sree Bhushan Raju

Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju
Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
FISN : Fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology(ISN), 2012
FIACM : Fellowship of Indian Association of Clinical Medicin(IACM), 2012
FICP: Indian College of Physicians Association of Physicians of India, 2012
Fellowship: DM, DNB, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Gandhi Medical College, 1994
Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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