Fever, cold with raised ESR, tired. CANCER?

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Dear Doctor

I was suffering from severe cold and little fever few days ago and I consulted a Physician and I am recovered. But I am not active and as I was earlier and again went to a doctor who suggested some medical tests done and I need to show him the same tomorrow. But I am worried as some of my test results are not in normal range. My ESR is 30 and 64 in first and second hours respectively. I am attached the reports for your easy reference. Please go through them and let me know is there any thing that I need to worry. I can see some posts through Google saying higher ESR is symptom of Cancers. Please let me know, I am really worried.

Ranga Sivaraju

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
I have seen the reports, and they are normal except for ESR. ESR is very non-specific and don't indicate cancer. It can be elevated during periods of cold and viral infections.
Have you taken any medicine?
What are the current symptoms?

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Patient replied :

Dear Doctor
Thanks a lot, I have taken Ofloxacin and Enclod for fever when I first consulted a Doctor after that I have recovered from fever. Again after a week I was suffered from severe cold but I have not taken any medicines. I have recovered after two days but since then I am not active as I was in reguar days. Then I went to a Doctor who advised me above medical tests. I hope I explained in correct way. Please let me know.
Thanks & Regards

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thanks for sharing the information. ESR is not a matter of a concern. It was mostly due to your fever. It will come down in a few days. Hope it helps.

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