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Feeling weak with chest pain after physical activity.

Resolved Question:

hi i am having chest pains since past 7 months and these days i am feeling really weak even if i do some small physical activity

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Cardiologist
 25 Doctors Online

Hello. Thank you for your query at
Could you please describe your chest pain in detail?
-The nature of pain whether burning/ stabbing/ pricking/ heaviness/ choking?
-Does it come on exertion or on rest?
-Does it radiate (spread elsewhere)?
-How long does it last?
-Which area of chest?
-Any sweating or nausea?
- Any breathlessness?
-Could you also upload some of your ECGs and all your blood tests?
-Are you a hypertensive (have high BP) / diabetic/ smoker/ do you drink?
-Any family history of heart diseases?
This information will help me make a decision as to whether you are suffering from any heart ailment which is causing the chest pain.
Regards, Dr Vivek Mahajan,
MD. DM (Cardiology)

Patient replied :

my pain is in the middle of the chest and bit on lower left side , pain increases when i am involved in any physical activity it reduces automatically when i take rest pain it like heavy pain , i feel heavyness fell better when i get a burrp , i fell short breathness untill i get a burrp , i had a complete tests done like ecg , hemogram , tmt , echo etc i have undergone a thyroid test my tsh levels are 4.95


Thank you for the additional details.

Your pain seems like typical angina. However, could you please upload the details of your ECG, 2D ECHO, and TMT? Further management depends on the results of these tests.
Please upload the test results or email them to

Regards, Dr Vivek Mahajan, DM Cardiology.

Patient replied :

These tests were done in the month of march can i upload those reports.

Yes, please do.
Thank you.

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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