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On Sartel and Inbloc for hypertension and chest discomfort

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i am having hyper tension, continuing sartel c 40 and recently doctor has given another lnbloc 10 with this, i am developing stomach problems, Test results all other are under normal except uric acid 8.1 and fbs 116

i am not getting good sleep, feeling little pain pain under my chest, when i sit it seems ok, but when i sleep it makes me unrest. i have my appointment with doctor tomorrow. but what should i do now

mobile india 8512860384

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Cardiologist
 24 Doctors Online


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Firstly, i would like to know if your hypertension under control with these medications. Given that you also have diabetes your target bp is 130/80. So kindl ??y let me know the status.

As far as your pain is concerned it doesn't seem to be angina. However other causes of pain need to be ruled out. I suggest you get a chest xray PA view done along with an echo of the heart. If the pain is towards the epigastrium then an ultrasound examination of the abdomen is warranted.

As for the pain or stomach problems arising post medication intake I suggest you take sartel and asomex after meals at night. In addition to this you may start pantoprazole for this stomach problem. For your hyperuricemia, febuxostat may be started.

Lifestyle modifications in the form of diet rich in green leafy vegetables, sprouts, whole grains, walnuts, almonds and a cut down on dairy and bakery products, meat and poultry along with a brisk walk of at least 30 min per day is advisable.

If you are overweight then you need to cu??t down on your weight. This may possibly restore your deranged blood glucose levels which you should repeat after say 3 months and if still elevated we may consider starting you on metformin.

As per your report i would suggest that in order to assess your target organ damage I would like to advise you to get a 2d echo done. It would be advisable if you could get a qualitative HSCRP done instead of quantitative.

Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology ??

Patient replied :

consulted to my doctor here, done a ECG and Eco Cardiograph all ok. as per the doctor.
Medicines changed -
Sartel 40 and S.numlo 2.5
I started Yoga, cycling, stopped drinking all type of juice, cold drinks, fried products, only boiled products no patato
now last two days my blood pressure is within 120/80.
I have dropped all medicine
i mean in this last two days, each two hours i am taking a record.
it is always below 120/80 and above 95/75. I am planning to visit doctor tomorrow morning, I am afraid if i take the medicine it will put me in low b.p

I need your suggestion here urgent. i am in little doubt.



Its a good news that your echo and ecg are ok. Also it is good to know that you have modified lifestyle and now are following a healthy lifestyle.

If you are having such good bp control without any medicines then its great. But the effect of these medications last for around 48 hours and the bp may rise after 48 hours. So you have to keep a watch after that. Also since you have deranged sugars a very low dose of sartel will always be beneficial despite normal bp. So if your bp is around 130 / 80 then you could start sartel at half the dose you are taking.

You need not take boiled foods all the time. You have to limit your fried items. You should restrict salt but you can be liberal with spices.


Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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