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Extra beat in heart with MITRAL REGURGITATION in ECHO.

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Hi Dr, Hope your well.
I'm 23 years old patientold, about 5'11 65Kg (skinny) currently a student. I don't exercise much because i don't get time to do so. Eat Fairly Healthy Food and occasionally a quick Junk meal like chips or pizza etc No Family history of Heart problems. Not diabetic, thyriod normal.

I'm abit concerned as to what is going on me these days, i feel i might have something wrong with my heart, i really hope its nothing serious. But its creating a great deal of anxiety in my life and to be honest its effecting my quality of life
So I'm sitting here using my computer, working, and in every hour get this strong EXtra beat/thud in my chest like my heart sank / drop feeling, then pause and then normal heart rhythm resumes only happens 1-3 times an hour sometimes NONE. But the beat is strong and annoying and scary. It happens when I'm lying down to. No other symptoms : No dizziness , Chest Pain etc

What exactly am i experiencing PAC's or PVC's? are they life threatening? I went to the ER (March 2014) last time this happen more frequently they did a ECG, Blood work, X-ray and sent me home, also at the time i was suffering from extreme belching/gas when i was getting those palpation's and i am having extreme belching now, so i don't know if that has something to do with it maybe.

I just had an Echo done and i have uploaded the report for you to look at it, the report does say that i have Mild Mitral regurgitaion? is this serious? should i be concerned about this? A cardiologist said mild regurgitation means that you are a human being and that you're alive, since just about everyone has mild mitral regurgitation, is this true?

Echo Results Link if needed:


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You are most probably suffering from extrasystoles.
Whether it is a PAC OR PVC only an ECG can tell qith surety. What did your ecg show. Could you upload the ecg? You could get an ecg done when you are having the symptoms so as to capture the beats on paper. Else you may vet a 24 hour holter done to record the abnormality. Since you have a normal 2d echo you need not worry much if it turns out to be pvc or pacs. There are medications like betablockers are available to treat these. As regards belching you may try antacids and prokinetic drugs for the same. Pantoprazole with domperidone is a good option.
Mild mitral regurgitation doesn't need any special attention or treatment


Patient replied :

Thank you Dr. Mild mitral regurgitation do not cause PVC's or any Rythm problem right? I dont need to worry about that?


Mild mitral regurgitation may be present in almost 50 percent of population. It wont cause any rhythm abnormalities unless associated with mitral valve prolapse. You need not worry about it

Dr Vivek Mahajan

Patient replied :

need reassurance, I did have an ECG, it said on the report *Consider Right Ventricular Hypertrophy? But I had an ECHO and it was normal soo the ecg was wrong yes?? And my heart is structually normal 100%? ECG image, Please copy link to browser to view. Thank you ECG: ECG NUMBERS:


Sorry for the delay in response

I have seen your ecg. It doesn't reflect right ventricular hypertrophy. Your echo is reported as showing mild mitral regurgitation which is normal finding In the vast majority of population.

So I dont see any abnormality in your echo report

Dr Vivek Mahajan

Patient replied :


Sorry for the delay in response.

I have seen your ecg. It doesn't reflect right ventricular hypertrophy. Your echo is reported as showing mild mitral regurgitation which is normal finding In the vast majority of population.

So I dont see any abnormality in your echo report

Dr Vivek Mahajan

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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