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Hello Sir, I am 34, male, height 5.5 and weight 55kg. Suffering from Very very excessive flatulence since two years old patient(Slow Gas Leak with out knowing). It is affecting my work in confined walls and social life, working as a system engineer. It is totally disabling me and very depressed(Shifted my work station to an isolated place in office). Additionally last three months loose and watery bowl movements twice a day. But in this two years, some two to three months, I lived very happily with out any flatulence. Endoscopy with biopsy, Colonoscopy, CT scan, Blood test are normal.

High Flatulence: After 1-2 hours of food, increases in afternoon and night.
Stool: Soft and watery
Bowl movement : Twice (Urge after food)

Diet: Hotel Food (Idly, dosa, Meals)
Restriction: Diary, Caffeine, Spicy, and Gassy foods
Better: Very little significant betterment with home made food and complete rest (for a Month)
Past Food habit: Excessive Tea and smoking. No Alcohol.

Other complaints: Frequent belching, Mild Burning sensation in upper Stomach, Skin Itchiness, nervousness, emotional.

Surgery: Inguinal hernia at age 33.
Past Treatment: Chest Tuber closis at age 16, Migraine/Headache treatment for two years old patientat age 25.

Past Medication:

Librax, VSL3, Pan20 for two weeks - No difference (made worse)
Riffagut, Pan20,Nextio5mg for two weeks - No difference
Econorm, Mebeverine and Hifibre ispaghula husk for two weeks - No difference (made worse)

Current Medication:
Riffagut400 1-0-1
Histac 0-0-1
enteric-coated 40 mg pantoprazole 1-0-0,
Mebeverine 1-0-1 - Significant improvement (Volume of gas not reduced, Smell changed and significantly reduced).

Past one week I am under this medication feeling better up to 12.00 p.m and flatulence increases as day progress. Tried and tiered of using ginger, fennel, papaya, Pineapple, cumin, figs and buttermilk just increases no of bowl movements no comparative betterment. But to my surprise with out any specific medication , for some two to three months I was fully flatulence free.

Kindly help me.


Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 26 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
I would like to have some more information before I can give my opinion.
1. Was stool test done?
2. Do your symptoms worsen with any specific food items?
3. Are you on any digestive enzymes?
4. is there any loss of weight?
Get back to me with these information and I would give my opinion.

Patient replied :

Thank You for your reply Sir. 1. Was stool test done? - No 2. Do your symptoms worsen with any specific food items? - No specific food. But most gasy foods like gabbage, egg, milk, oninon, garlic, non veg, beans make the smell Very worse. Plain foods like Rice porridge are comparatively better. 3. Are you on any digestive enzymes? - Not now. Once tried unienzyme and Galto as self medication. but no difference 4. is there any loss of weight? - Yes. Weight reduced from 59 to 54. Thankyou Sir, Waiting for your reply.

Thanks for providing the additional information.
Some of the common causes of increased flatulence are bowel infection, maladigestion/malabsorption, irritabale bowel syndrome and intake of gas forming food items.
You have mentioned about certain food items that increase your flatulence. Try to avoid them.
Get a stool test done to rule out infection.
Complete the course of rifagut - take it thrice a day for 2 weeks.
You can take Lesuride MPS thrice a day for 4 weeks.
Have regular bowel habit.
These steps would provide relief.
Get back to me after 4 weeks of following this advice.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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