Enlarged prostate

Resolved question:
I have enlarged prostate in tamsulin finasteride episode on prostastitis before when had biopsy I also have central cord syndrome after a fall for 4 years back and hip discomfort isnt unusual for ne but last 2 days it seems worse I have also lost appetite and bit of nausea I am worried Ive have kidney infection or UTI but urine seems OK I intend to go to GP next week but will I get through to then I do worry about health a lot which could cause a lot if this Kidneys were checked un June and fine but is my BPH causing a problem

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Mayank Bhargava replied 4 Days.


I see you have submitted another consult with the same question. I am closing this consult and refunding $18 for the same.

Your other consult has been assigned to a MD and you can expect a reply soon.

Thank you
In-house Physician

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