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Elderly patient with diabetes and open heart surgery

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Regarding the Cardiology - for open heart surgery required or not, patient is an diabetics and neuro problem is their.

Category: Cardiothoracic Surgeon

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Category: Pediatric Cardiologist
 30 Doctors Online

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The patient has hypertension diabetes deranged renal functions low ejection fraction and triple vessel disease with likely graftable vessels. This is a very good indication for coronary artery bypass surgery.

A good surgeon will be able to get good grafts to most of the vessels.

He also needs evaluation of his carotid arteries as he has history of recurrent strokes. A carotid doppler would identify carotid disease if present and that can be handled along with bypass surgery

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups.
Thank you

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Srivastava
Category: Pediatric Cardiologist
Banaras Hindu University Senior Residency: M.Ch. Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, 2000 - Lokmanya Tilak Hospital, Mumbai
Banaras Hindu University Residency: M.S.: Surgery 1986 - Institute of Medical Sciences 
Medical School: M.B.B.S. 1981- Institute of Medical Sciences
Dr. Rajiv Kumar Srivastava and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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