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Ejaculate during urination, pain in penis. Cancer?

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I have never been in more pain in my life. I am 26 years old and weight 195 lbs. I am a smoker and I smoke liquid. I am afraid I may have cancer.

I have been experiencing urination problem since 15 or 16 years old. During my teen I was unable to sleep through the night due to the constant need to urinate. I have this problem on and off. Two years ago I did go to a doctor and have it checked, it was my constant masturbation which cause this. Every time I masturbate I do experience extreme urination problem after that.

My present situation, last Thursday though I did not fully masturbate, however when I urinated i ejaculated. From that day to this Tuesday, everything was fine even though I have to urinate more often than normal. On Tuesday night, when I went to bed after taking my usual dosage of a variety of sleeping aid, I woke up around 3am thru 8am. There was pain in my penis, pelvis and testicles. I had a burning pain in the same areas. I had to pee constantly within seconds.

I when to a emergency room, after testing negative for UTI, the doctor on hand said I had STD, which was impossible as I am a virgin. He than very rudely said I can have a antibiotic jab or not it was my wish, I had the jab as I was desperate to have something done and he discharge us.

Since the visit, my pain has only got worst and i have been suffering since with lots, and lots of pain, the worst I have experience in my life.

From Wednesday thru Thursday I only slept for 2 hours. Fortunately, I got caught up and slept better (3 sleeps amounting to 10 hours). This morning I woke up feeling worst than the past three days, partially contributed by my anxiety.

These are my current problem: burning pain in my pelvis, extreme urgency that keep me going to the toilet a few seconds apart. My right testicle and buttock is in a lot of pain. I have not eaten since Wednesday, whenever I eat I feel full or throw up. I have since only eaten some dry cereal and two mini ice cream cones. My right chest hurts. I am experiencing dryness in my mouth, my throat hurts and that make it difficult for me to swallow thus not eating.

I am currently taking the following medication on a daily basis. Estradiol, antivan, citalopram, carbamazepine, risperedone, spironolactone. To ease the pain I use Chinese medicated oil that numb the pain.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 28 Doctors Online

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Have you taken any medicines for gastritis?
From your symptoms it seems your gastritis persists, and during moments of stress, it gets aggravated.
You should get yourself tested for H. Pylori too, since it is a common cause of persistent gastritis.
I will advise you to take Cap. Omeprazole 20 mg once daily before breakfast and Syp. Sucralfate 2 teaspoons after meals till the pain subsides. Try the treatment for 7 days and let me know. Avoid spicy foods and have small frequent meals.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Hi, thank you for your reply. I did check before a few times fir H. Pylori which was negative. I've started a tablet called GR8 last night and this morning which is Domperidone with Omeprazole available in India only I guess. I did have anxiety which now has gone for over a year now. How long would a gastritis issue take to clear up completely and is the tablet I'm taking ok? The other syrup had any side effects? On the prescription it says to take before meals though. I forgot to mention that even when I drink water sometimes it feels heavy in my stomach.

If H. Pylori has been ruled out, there is nothing much to worry about.
If you take the medicine for 2 weeks it will resolve, however try to avoid spicy food and have small frequent meals with enough water as I mentioned earlier.
Anxiety also makes an individual prone for gastritis, so try to avoid.
Sucralfate can be taken either ways, you can take it before meals too.
But Omeprazole should be taken once a day before breakfast.
Please let me know in a week's time.

Patient replied :

Good morning. Quick overview of how I feel: been taking the omeprazole every morning before breakfast and was much better. No pain and more energy. Today however I woke up with a fullness and feel weak from it and a bit nausea. No pain but just a fullness pressure and dizzy slightly from it. Is this normal and still gastritis if no burning pain? I do have very smelly gas too. Feels like I don't digest properly.

Thank you for the follow up.
Since you felt better after Omeprazole, so it definitely could have been due to gastritis.
What you're feeling today, could be due to indigestion, and it does seem like your digestion has been very weak of late. Excessive gas also reflects that.
So try to avoid gassy food such as cabbage, broccoli, too much carbohydrates and have small frequent meals for the time being.
Continue the Omeprazole as well as Sucralfate and you will get better over some time.

Patient replied :

I haven't been able to buy the Sucralfate as yet. Will try from another city. Is it required if no pain? Or will the Omeprazole do? A question I was wondering is that supposing all my H Pylori tests were not accurate could my symptoms be an infection of H Pylori?

Thanks for your query
Sucralfate will also aid in your digestion so it is recommended with omeprazole.
It is highly unlikely the test could inaccurate. There are other causes of gastritis such as stress, improper diet, bile reflux, spicy food etc.
So, I would suggest that you continue the medication for 2 weeks and your symptoms should resolve by then.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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