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Brownish blood clots without pain in preganancy. ULTRASOUND.

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This is my wife third pregnancy. All are by cesarean section without any complications. Last baby is of 15 months old and oldest is 36 month old son. She is now 7 weeks pregnant and weigh 83 kg. Blood and urine tests are normal but hb is 10.3. Also ultra sound is normal with sound of heat beat.
She is been passing brownish lil blood clots for almost a week now without any pain or cramps.

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 29 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
When has she got the ultrasound scan done ?
Please upload the report .
Since when sis she passing blood ( exact date ) .
When was her last menstrual period ?
Mild spotting might occur in a normal pregnancy, but risk of miscarriage should be ruled out.
She should have a repeat scan if spotting / clots have started after the previous normal scan.
SHe should take rest, avoid stress, intercourse, travelling.
Please consult your OB - GYN, as progesterone should be started for her to prevent miscarriage.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

Last Menstural period 17th April
Mild Clotting with no bleeding at all started 5th June
Last normal Scan 6th June.
We went to OBY GYN doctor for check up on 6th June to know the cause of clotting. But from Ultra Sound she did not see any blood clot or anything problamatic.
Has been taking duphastone since 6th June and prenatal.
Blot Clots are tiny and of brownish color. We would like to know the cause of this. Also how to increase HB levels.
She feels like vomiting all the time and nothing like this in previous pregnancies.
Cannot provide copy of ultrasound.

Without looking at the scan, I cannot tell you why this is happening !
It maybe small separation or problem in the placental area.
Placenta might be low lying.
At times, there might be no reason, but still slight bleeding / spotting might occur.
SHe is taking proper medications.
Get a repeat scan done after 2 weeks to know if everything is proceeding normally.
And I really wish you would manage to get the report.

Patient replied :

Ok here is the scam report. In my last post I enquired about how to increase hb levels as they are too low in first 11 weeks.

Please attach the second page of the scan report properly, wherein the comments or inference is written, that is not visible right now.
Regarding the hemoglobin levels, she can take iron supplements starting from the 13th week of pregnancy.
Tablet Livogen once a day can be taken, on empty stomach, with a glass of lemon juice to enhance absorption.
Discuss it with your doctor before starting the supplements.
Also, dietary modification is needed.
Take items rich in heme ( red meat, marrow, beetroot, spinach, methi, ) and protein ( paneer, chicken, fish, tofu , pulses ).
All the best.
Take care.

Patient replied :

Please attach the second page of the scan report properly, wherein the comments or inference is written, that is not visible right now.
Regarding the hemoglobin levels, she can take iron supplements starting from the 13th week of pregnancy.
Tablet Livogen once a day can be taken, on empty stomach, with a glass of lemon juice to enhance absorption.
Discuss it with your doctor before starting the supplements.
Also, dietary modification is needed.
Take items rich in heme ( red meat, marrow, beetroot, spinach, methi, ) and protein ( paneer, chicken, fish, tofu , pulses ).
All the best.
Take care.

Fine, then there is nothing to worry about now.
Take care.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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