Effect of MOULDS on baby in pregnancy.

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I have just discovered that I seem to have a lot of mould on the walls of my bedroom. I always could smell mould in the bedroom and used dehumidifiers and even an air purifier, and also opened the windows regularly, but it did not help. The mould on the walls is not black, it's more like a lot of little round beige stains on the wallpaper, but if I rub it with my finder it rubs off, so I can't imagine it being anything else. I'm 35 weeks pregnant. Could the mould have done damage to the foetus? So far all the scans and other examinations have shown normal development, and I have been feeling quite well throughout pregnancy. I have been noticing a blocked nose sometimes when waking up but have not had any serious health issues.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.

I understand your concern. However as such, mould will not harm your unborn child.
It increases your risk of developing allergies, breathing issues etc, which in turn can compromise the baby, but since you are fine so far, the mould has not harmed your baby. So please do not worry.

However, get the mould confirmed ( kits are available at most hardware stores ), and if it is mould, it is best to have it removed or move to a better place.
This is because when your child is born, it would inhale the same mould ( inside the uterus it is not breathing as yet ), and hence would be prone to the same respiratory issues.

All the best.

Please feel free to discuss further.

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