Hello, the area around the eyes is extremely thin and sensitive. This area shows first sign of ageing in the form of fine lines and wrinkles. Usually aged people develop dry skin around eyes and mouth, leading to wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and fine lines. Sometimes even young people are also affected by it. Causes may be due to the absence of sufficient oil glands in this area. These oil glands secrete sebum, which is responsible for keeping the skin moisturized. The area around the eyes has very less oil glands and is susceptible to dryness. It is also due to stress, improper nutrition or malnutrition, allergic reactions, excessive use of cosmetics, lack of adequate sleep, constant late nights. The dry skin around the eyes can change the whole look of the face. I would suggest a few remedies such as:
a)Drink at least eight glasses of water per day, to make sure that the skin is well moisturized.
b)Avoid pulling the skin around t he eyes as it can lead to burning sensation, redness or itching.
c)Avoid the use of harsh cosmetics.
d)Proper nutrition is a must.
e)Supplements like vitamin E, C can be taken.
Certain medical conditions such as Eczema, blepharitis, Atopic dermatitis, hair dyes, Seborrhic dermatitis can cause the above-mentioned condition. A patch test would be beneficial in finding out the cause. I would suggest you to consult your dermatologist for a complete assessment. Thank you.