Disc prolapse

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I am a 22 yr old boy. There has been pain in my lower back for past 1 month.
My MRI report Says That there is mild diffuse annular disc bulge with postdoctoral disc protrusion at L4-L5 Level.
I am doing my master degree and at the end of the day i suffer with pain in my back and in my left leg.
Please tell me how severe the problem is. Also, what all precautions do I need to take?
Will I be ever be able to recover? If yes, how long will it take to recover completely?
Any help would be appreciated.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Spine Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Goutham Cugati replied 4 Days.

Dear Mr Deep,

The pain in your lower back and in your left leg is due to the disc prolapse at L4-5 level. As described in the radiology report it appears to be of recent onset and of a mild degree.
Most of these patients recover completely in 15 - 30 days with
1. Bed rest (20-22hrs/day) for 10 days.
2. Analgesics and muscle relaxants
3. sometimes physiotherapy may be required for 10-15 days (SWD, IFT, UST, TENS)

To prevent it from coming
1. Spine strengthening exercises
2. Prevent lifting heavy weight.
3. Avoid squatting

In very few patients this pain may persist for whom the below are the options
1. Trans foraminal- spinal injections
2. spinal surgery

You need to see a neurosurgeon to get yourself examined and to get an appropriate advice based on your clinical condition.


Dr Goutham Cugati
Consultant Neurosurgeon

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