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Deteriorating KIDNEY function with ISCHEMIA, DIABETES and HYPERTENSION.

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My mother Smt. Sugandha Narvekar is 90 yrs old . She suffers from Ischemia ,diabetes and hypertension.
Her latest report show deterioting kidney function and anemia.
Need Medical Board advice.

Category: Nephrologist

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Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
 25 Doctors Online

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Elderly woman with diabetes and hypertension along with heart disease are supposed to develop a gradual deteriorain kidney function. Its further compounded by the advancing age, infections especially in the urinary tract, drugs , dehydration, fall in pumping cation of heart ( low ejection fraction), etc.
She has Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) due to diabetic nephropathy. It can be proved agagin by the presence of diabetic retinopathy.
So, She needs to get her eyes checked up. She also needs to get evaluated for calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, Iron profile, B12 and folic acid and vitamin D aling with thyroid profile.
She requires to be given conservative management for CKD. I suggest you to get her evaluated bya nephrologist at your locality and get a prescription. Avoid any kind of nephrotoxic drugs, dehydration etc

Feel free to discuss further,
Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju

Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju
Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
FISN : Fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology(ISN), 2012
FIACM : Fellowship of Indian Association of Clinical Medicin(IACM), 2012
FICP: Indian College of Physicians Association of Physicians of India, 2012
Fellowship: DM, DNB, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Gandhi Medical College, 1994
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