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Curing genital warts with apple cider vinegar

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Hi doctor, I seem to have affected with HPV, as I started seeing some genital warts in my genital areas. I read in some website that they can be cured by herbal means. It is suggested in that website, that apple cider vinegar, when applied over genital warts can help removing them. Is it true? Can I go on to purchase apple cider vinegar, for removing them myself? It is embarrassing to consult doctors to get this removed, as it is a sexual infection. Please help.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online

Thanks for your concern. On contrary to popular beliefs, no herbal treatments are seen effective in removing genital warts. Obviously apple cider vinegar do not have any effect on them. Genital warts is caused by virus infection (human Papilloma virus) and not just a skin deep disease. You can go for surgical removal of warts. Anyway, it will re appear, due to the action of virus inside your body. Till the moment, unfortunately there are not curation methods found to completely cure genital warts. You can consult your doctor to get prescribed with some creams which will alleviate the spread of warts. 

Dr. John Fuller
Category: Family Physician-GP
MD - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship, Family Medicine - Lutheran Medical Center
Residency, Family Medicine - The Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. John Fuller and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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