Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.
Your Father medical condition is of Neurological origin, not related to HCV. I would like to know the MRI results, and CSF study results. You can reply as a followup.
Thank you
Patient replied :
Hello Dr Deepu
I have been trying to upload the results but I keep getting error page.
Please could you provide your email address so I can email the reports over to yourself. We are in difficult situation as the doctors in the hospital have exhausted all options now.
It must be the restriction on size. Please email the reports to info@doctorspring.com, doctor only access. If they are too big for the email, then you could upload them at Dropbox.com or similar sites and share the link. Please email with reference id: 84191.
Thank you
Patient replied :
I have sent all the reports now to the email id specified.
Please feel free to consult other doctors there as you feel appropriate and guide us with a way forward.
There were various specialists involved like neurologist, diabetologist, nephrologist, though we did get a feeling that they were working in silos.
Many thanks
Best Regards
Satish Shridhar
Thank you for providing the investigation reports.
I have discussed the consult with our team Neurologist. Allow me to list down our opinion. Please note, these opinions are based on limited information and with a direct clinical examination.
1. A Central nervous system infection like a viral encephalitis or CNS TB should be considered. Considering the early symptoms of memory disturbance TB should be considered. Specific CSF test may be repeated (CSF ADA, Viral antibodies)
2. Monitor S. Sodium and Potassium levels. A serum Calcium, Magnesium levels needs to be done
3. Sepsis (infection from lungs) related encephalopathy should be ruled out. ABG (Arterial Blood Gas Analysis) may be done for this.
4. This even seems to be unrelated to the Diabetes and HCV infection.
5. Injection Thiamine (if not given already) should be considered.
6. Empirical anti-viral and anti TB treatment can be considered
7. Repeat MRI (if possible)
The organ system involved seems to be Nervous System. Approach should be to identify the cause of it. However empirical treatment can be given now itself. Hope this helps
Thank you