Clap STD symptoms

Resolved question:

hi, I have heard that gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection and is commonly called as ‘the clap’. Can you tell me about clap STD symptoms?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.


 Thanks for your question.

Gonorrhea ailment is also commonly known as ‘the clap’. Most males and females have no symptoms at all- so you don’t know when you have it or when your partner has it.

All those who have unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex without using condom are at high risk of developing this ailment. The various clap STD symptoms includes:

  • Both males and females may have a sore throat.
  • Most females have no symptoms at all. Some may notice unusual vaginal discharge, pain when passing urine and lower belly pain. Women may also experience cervicitis, swollen and painful glands at the opening of the vagina. She may also suffer from abnormal menstrual bleeding, excessive bleeding during menses and bleeding during sexual intercourse.
  • Most males get a yellow or greenish, sometime blood-tinged discharge of pus called gleet from penis and a burning sensation when passing urine. They may also experience reddened external urethral meatus. Infection my move into prostate, seminal vesicles, and epididmysis, causing testicular/ scrotal pain, swelling and/ or fever.

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