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Whether surgery is recommended for FRACTURED HUMERUS in XRAY?

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Fractured humerus, X-ray attached - soliciting 2nd/3rd opinions whether surgery is necessary/recommended, and available treatment options. Thanks a lot.


Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 24 Doctors Online

Thank you for yoiur query at
Thanks for writing to us.
I have read the history & saw the xray.
It is a case of two part fracture of humerus neck region. We have 2 well documented treatment lines for this fracture.
1). Conservative management by hanging slab or brace & shoulder immobiliser.
2). Surgical procedure by plate and screws or Antigrade nailing.
Well, both procedures have its pros and cons. We have good long term results by both techniques in ours orthopedic research analysis. Results also depends on surgical experience of orthopedic Surgeon and patients age & co-morbidities.
I recommend surgical procedure as it allows early mobilisation.
Dear, as a patient you ll not be able to decide by urself. I strongly recommend you to discuss this with your treating surgeon and decide as per his recommendations. I am hopeful that you ll get good results.
Get well soon & stay healthy,

Patient replied :

Thank you. Looking at the X-rays, can you explain a little bit the large displacement in one and no displacement in another shot? Does it mean that the fracture is "reset" and muscles are holding it together so it's feasible to heal well if proper immobilization is in place? If that is the case, what kind of cast/sling would you suggest is suitable for best results?

Thanks for writing back to us.
Both x-rays appear to be same. Displacement is there at the fracture site in both x-rays but not large one.
As I told you in the previous mail, conservative treatment is well-documented line of treatment which includes proper immobilisation also.
If I don't operate then I suggest Hanging U slab with shoulder immobiliser for you as a conservative treatment but the best decision should be taken by you only after discussing with your treating orthopedic Surgeon.
Get well soon,
Stay happy & healthy

Dr. Karun Jain
Category: Spine Surgeon
MBBS, 2002 - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
D.Orth, 2009- J.S.S Medical College, Mysore
MS - Orthopaedics, 2011 - University of Seychelles - American Institute of Medicine
Currently pursuing ChM (Trauma & Orthopedics) from The Royal college of Surgeons, Edinburgh & University of Edinburgh, U.K
Dr. Karun Jain and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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