Resolved question:
Hello doctor,

I am from Malaysia. I have question to ask. The doctor said that i have chronic kidney decease level 5. Because my creatinine is 1024. But , i have no symptoms such as edema , Fatigue and difficulty in concentration , Hematuria (blood in urine) , my urine still a lots and etc. I have no problem with food. i eat regularly like normal. My blood HB is 9.1 .Doctor ask me to do CAPD. Now i am in big dilemma. What is happening actually ? Should i do CAPD ?

Help me doctor.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Nephrologist

Expert:  Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
If you are labelled as your doctor as CKD stage 5 doesn't mean that you always need to symptomatic. You can feel good due to the drug therapy and your body still trying to compensate for the loss of Kidney function. When it is beyond its capacity to cope up with too many toxins accumulated, it tells you the need for substitutions. All those symptoms need not be there even at the end or can be there only at the initial part of the kidney disease.
You can go for CAPD as it is also one of the options and as your doctor thought its suits you. You can go for work and take care of yourself better that way.

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Patient replied :

Hello doctor,
First of all thank you for your quick reply. Here is my follow up question.
I am a very busy working person, I need to travel to Istanbul,Turkey around 2 weeks on January next year. I am a bit concern how am i suppose to travel if i do CAPD ? CAPD takes around 3-4 times per day. I need your advice , how about if i pospone my CAPD until April 2015 ? Can i survive with until that time ? Any idea what will happen to me if i take that risk ? For your information , my doctor here in Malaysia ask me to start with CAPD next week.
Thanks doc.

Expert:  Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju replied 3 Days.

CAPD is the one in which you can comfortably undergo even on flight. You cando anywhere provided you wash your hands before that. Its absolutely simple and you don't need to worry. You can go ahead. It simply takes care of you provided you don't have many medical diseases. You can start and then you can plan accordingly.
You can also change the timings of the sessions as per convenience.

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