Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
From your history it does seem like a recurring prostatitis, because most of the symptoms such as burning sensation at the tip, tightness in the groin, sometimes pain in the testicles, point towards prostatitis. I am not sure how without any prostatic culture, your doctor called it nonbacterial prostatitis. The only way to confirm this is to get a CT KUB done and also get a prostatic secretion cultured.
One more issue is the frequent change of antibiotics. You should have continued doxy for 2 weeks, 1 week may end up causing resistance and even increase resistance towards other antibiotics.
Doxy won't cause false negative, it will be negative if the organism has been cleared from blood stream.
So I suggest you get your prostatic secretion culture done ( secretions to be obtained after prostate massage ), and check what organism is growing in the fluids. Based on that appropriate antibiotic can be given. Cotrimoxazole ( TMP-SMX ) works really well in such chronic infections and may need to be taken for 2-4 weeks.
Hope this was helpful,
Feel free to discuss further,
Patient replied :
So the negative test means i did not have M Genitalium, as your statement is it would be negative if it was cleared and I still had the symptoms? Is prostatis a STD? or do you think I have a STD? am I contaigous?
would the prostatis cause buring in the top of the feet? shins...numb mouth?
Thank you for your follow up.
Yes if the test was negative you definitely do not have M.Genitalium.
Prostatitis can be a STD but all the STDs have been ruled out. Even gut bacteria like E.Coli which commonly causes UTI can lead to prostatitis. Hence investigating the prostatic secretions is required.
Burning at the top of the feet is not related to prostatitis. It can lead to some tightening in the groin and pain transmitted down the lower limb, but not burning.
Patient replied :
do you think all of my symptoms can be caused by anxiety?
Yes, it is possible. You do complain of a lot of symptoms, hence anxiety is not something that comes first to my mind.
However, you're the best judge of yourself. If you know for a fact that you have a lot of anxiety causing you to overthink or over-analyse situations, in this case your symptoms, then it is possible. But the good thing is STDs are ruled out, so even if it is an infection, it will gradually clear up.
Patient replied :
Can a prostatis infection cause BV
Yes it is possible.
But it can also happen if the partner does not have any STD, due to overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the vagina.