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Chronic Cystitis.

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I'm 29 years old female and in past 7 months I have 3 bladder infection which was treated with antibiotics ... Since my last bladder infection I been losing so much weight all over my body face ... I look really sick and pale and old since all of these infection happened to me ... Yesterday morning when I went to the bathroom I noticed that I have a reddish urine but I wasn't concern as much cause I thought it might be because of what I ate but about few hours later I keep getting a heavy blood clot with lots of pain in my ribs ... The pain is unbearable and it's all of the symptoms of bladder infection that's I had in the past ... I want to know if it's U.T.I or might be a kidney disease in a future ... Should I see urologist and ct scan after all blood test? Because my physician won't do much other than giving me antibiotic and I keep getting these infection for forth time already ... Please help

Category: Urologist

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Category: Andrologist
 22 Doctors Online

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.

I have gone through your case and understand your concern. Blood in urine is usually seen in urinary tract infection. When the infection is localized to the urinary bladder it is referred to cystitis. When the infection ascends up into the kidneys it is known as pyelonephritis. Since you have had frequent bladder infections, with pain in your ribs, and blood in urine, we will have investigate to see if there is any kidney involvement. It is common in women.

I would advise you to get the following tests done so to rule out any kidney involvement.
1) Abdomen and pelvis ultrasound
2)Urine routine and microscopy and urine culture
3)Renal Function Tests
4) Contrast enhanced CT scan of abdomen and pelvis ( may or may not be required later, depending on the results of the above tests)

Depending on the results of the tests we will know the exact cause of your condition and we can treat it accordingly. Prognosis is good once treatment is started, so you need not worry.

Please feel free to follow up with your tests results or any other queries you may have.

I hope this has helped.


Patient replied :

I'm going to see my gp in few hours but I knew I looked sick but since yesterday when I noticed blood in my urine I been feeling really sick and shaky, chilly,cold , without any appetite at all and I feel like I'm about to throw up ... My abdomen makes a lots of bubbly noices and I'm bleeding a lot .. I'm beyond scared of my health cuz everyone around me kept telling me not to drink so much water and I just couldn't stop because of excessive thrust that I had so can you find out what might be the best treatment for me because I can't handle dialysis :((((


If you are able to pass urine, then you can drink water. On the contrary is you are NOT able to pass urine or if there is swelling of face, legs etc you should not drink too much water. Since you are having a GP visit, avoid all medications.

As I said a diagnosis is needed. I understand your concern - you are suspecting a Kidney disease. While it is possible, the probability is less. But it require evaluation. The good news is that even if there is a kidney failure it CAN be reversed (unlike kidney failure from other causes ). Overall I think it is too premature to think about kidney disease and all.

You really need to undergo the tests as we need a solid diagnosis.
I will do one thing. I kill this consult open so that you can get back to me at anytime.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Dr. Gautam Banga (Urologist) - I think my previous reply was posted in some elses name. Sorry about that.

Patient replied :

Thank you so much I'm so much worried cause I'm getting very sick and don't want to be hospitalized ... But since this is the forth time I'm getting bladder problem why do you think I keep getting this infection a lot and what should I do to prevent it from happening again ?

Since you are getting infection often it says one thing. There is an underlying risk factor that is causing the infection. For example a stone in the urinary tract can cause blood in the urine + recurring infections. Only if the stone is removed the infection will resolve.

I am just saying an example here. So now instead of treating the infection you need to find out what is causing it. And that why you need to do the above mentioned tests. That will be the best way to move forward.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Dr. Gautam Banga
Category: Andrologist
MS Surgery: MGM Medical College & M.Y Hospital Indore
Residency: M.Ch, Urology, SMS Medical College & Hospitals Jaipur
Medical School: MBBS, BJ Medical College, Pune, 2001
Training in Urethral Reconstructive surgery: Kulkarni Reconstructive Urology center, Pune
Dr. Gautam Banga and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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