Thanks for writing to DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.
Pregnancy is IMPOSSIBLE in the way you describe. I say this in all my professional capacity and am willing to testify on it!
Hope that reassures you. For a pregnancy to occur, vaginal penetrative sex should occur with ejaculate of semen.
Considering what you are saying, it is IMPOSSIBLE, I repeat that again.
Please stop worrying about it now that you have a professional opinion.
All the best & Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
Thank you for your answer, and this is very reassuring hearing from a doctor.
Just for clarification: the vagina must be penetrated for pregnancy to occur? So the water that might include a small amount of semen that splashes on the surface of the vagina cannot lead to any pregnancy?
Thank you again.
Yes penetrative intercourse is required for pregnancy to occur.
Other ways are not possible because certain amount of minimum volume of semen has to go inside the vagina and then travel up all the way to the ovaries to meet the ovum and fertilize.
In your case, there is absolutely no chances of pregnancy. Even if the water splashed into the vaginal surface, there is NO CHANCE of pregnancy.
Hope you will stop being worried about it now.
Patient replied :
Thank you.
Can pregnancy from a toilet even happen at all? Even from the seat? I'm pretty sure the answer is no but it is something I want to ask once and for all so I stop thinking about it.
Thank you again- this will be my last follow-up question.
No there is no way pregnancy can occur like that.
It can only happen via penetrative vaginal sex.
Please do not worry about this anymore.