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From the information that you have provided, it seems like an acute throat infection involving the tonsils. White spots on tonsils and uvula and even the pharynx indicates follicular tonsillitis. It means that the infection is quite severe now, and hence the follicles have arisen as a defensive mechanism. The organism most commonly causing throat infections is Streptococcus, and hence your doctor has started you on penicillins. You need to continue the penicillin for at least 7-10 days. You can expect it to get better around the 4th or 5th day, it will take slightly longer than usual, since it has gone up to the follicular stage. Also i will advise you to start saline water gargling ( put a pinch of salt in warm water ) and gargle 3-4 times a day. This will help in faster recovery. You can use honey instead of sugar for your beverages, since honey helps in throat infections. If it doesn't resolve in another 2 days, then one more antibiotic can be added. Right now just continue with penicillin, gargle, and avoid cold items.
Do get back to us for additional queries,
Patient replied :
bit concerned as it's still all red and painful. There are several large white marks at the back of my throat and feel a lump in throat area when I swallow. I also have some pain under my jaw area on left side..
doesn't seem to be improving after 7 days. I have had similar ulcers in the past and have gone, but these feel severe.
I don't have fever or other symptoms related to tonsillitis that's why I'm confused on the diagnosis
I understand your concern. Fever need not be present with every case of Tonsilitis. The redness, pain and lump on swallowing are all symptoms of Tonsilitis and pharyngitis which you seem to have. The pain under your jaw could be due to inflamed lymph nodes which occur in the presence of infection.
Since yo do not have a fever and Penicillin doesn't seem to help, the cause of this infection is most likely viral. You do not have to worry as this usually resolves on its own but takes time.
For a quicker recovery, I suggest that you follow these measures.
1.You need to continue salt water gargling, at least 3 times daily. An alternative to this would be a 3% hydrogen peroxide mouthwash or gargle. You have to dilute the 3% solution with an equal volume of water; swish around in the mouth over the affected area for at least 1 minute and then expel. Use this up to 4 times/day (after meals and at bedtime)
2. In addition you can take an OTC like Ibuprofen 400 mg, twice a day with food, for 5 days.
With these measures, you can obtain relief.
Take care.