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Can outercoarse transmit CHLAMYDIA, silent PID and INFERTILITY?

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I am a 22yr old female who participated in "outercourse" about 4 years old patientago. He was my age - a white young man from an upper middle class background. His penis rubbed against the outside of my vagina for some time (no penetration, but also no clothing barrier). He did not ejaculate. I do not know his STD status, but he said that in the past he had had 10 sexual partners (he always used condoms). I have had no symptoms - my periods are fairly regular (most variation is 7-8 days, but usually less than that) and I have no unusual discharge or spotting, no painful urination, no fever, etc.. I don't have any pelvic pain, but I have felt "twinges" these past few months. However, I only ever notice these when I am feeling extremely anxious that I could have contracted an STD from this encounter. I've heard that pain during sex is a symptom of PID, but I've never had penetrative sex so I wouldn't know. However, it doesn't hurt to use a tampon. Specifically, I'm terrified that I might have contracted chlamydia and developed silent PID that would cause me to be infertile. Is this possible? Is it even possible to test for anything at this point? I've never had an STD test or been to a gynecologist.

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 29 Doctors Online

Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
You do not have any symptoms of a pelvic infection.
Also, the sexual activity you described was non - penetrative, thus making the odds of acquiring an STD extremely remote.
It is technically possible for you to have acquired Chlamydia even through non penetrative sex, but as I said, chances are very remote.
If I were your doctor, I would tell you not to worry about it, since you had very low risk sexual behaviour, and you are completely healthy and asymptomatic.
Mild twinges from time to time are common, as the uterus is a contractile organ.
ANd yes, you can assure yourself by getting test.
You need to visit a Specialist OB - GYN and have a vaginal swab and culture , specifically to rule out Chlamydia.
I am very sure you do not have it, but get yourself tested so you can be at peace about it.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

Would it be ok to get tested at an STD clinic instead? I'm not sure what kind of test they do but the site says results for chlamydia/gonorrhea take 2 weeks. I can't afford to go to an OBGYN.

Yes, you can ask to be specifically tested for Chlamydia at an STD clinic too.
Take care.

Patient replied :

Thank you so much for your helpful reply. It has relieved some of my anxiety. I know you said that it's very unlikely I caught anything, but I'm wondering - have you ever seen a patient who contracted chlamydia by "outercourse" like I described? I hope this is okay to ask. I'm just wondering what you mean by remote chances.

No, in my practise, I have never come across such a patient.
Please relax.

Patient replied :

I don't have any more questions, I just want to thank you so much for your advice and reassuring words. I am a lot less worried now. Most of my anxiety was caused by guilt from this interaction but also by lots of sensationalist public health info online. They make it seem like a woman is very likely to get an STD and become infertile from any kind of unprotected sexual contact, penetrative or not. My fertility is very important to me and that's why I was so worried. Thanks again.

I can understand.
It's good to know information, however, in most cases they put up a lot of wrong facts which baffles patients.
Do not worry.
All the best!

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
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