Can I take RITALINE for boosting my performance?

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Ok, that might be a stupid quetion, but i'm lately incliened to use Ritaline, i'm 29 years old (i have already major depressive disorder and i'm on Zoloft), i don't have ADHD, but all i need is a boost in my performance, professional and sometimes druing weekends with friends, i'm not intending to take it more than once or twice a week. I have 3 questions,
1- is it a bad idea to take this drug for performance boost ?
2- can i have problems like addiction or side effect if i take it less than twice a week ?
3- is it immoral (or cosidered cheating), if i use it to enhance my professional life ?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Psychiatrist

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at
I have gone through your query and I dont think your query is stupid. Infact its quite tricky.
1- is it a bad idea to take this drug for performance boost ?
Its not a very good idea to take a stimulant medicine to get a performance boost.
2- can i have problems like addiction or side effect if i take it less than twice a week ?
If you take it only twice a week, then there is no risk of addiction, but make sure you stick to the frequency. If at all you sway towards taking more, then its an issue and then there could be a problem of dependence.
3- is it immoral (or cosidered cheating), if i use it to enhance my professional life ?
Its not considered cheating as nobody has written any rules. Its a matter of personal choice, but ideally its not recommended.
Ritalin can be used in the cases of resistant depression but then you can get it medically prescribed. You may take it along with your antidepressants. If you keep following the medicine as advised, there would be no risk of getting addicted. If you start taking it yourself, then there would be a risk of getting addicted and then it can be a problem.
Its for you to decide.
Hope this was helpful,
Please feel free to discuss further,
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

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Patient replied :

Hello again, to be honest i believe i have actually resistant depression, i’ve been to a foreign country 2 years ago, and since then, i suffered severe depression, (i tried more than 30 different Benzo and antidepressants in vain), until i found my drug of choice Zoloft (100mg a day) in combination with Solian (amisulpride), - now I stopped Solian,- , but to be honest, I only feel 50% better, I still feel depressed, little motivation, lethargy, but not suicidal as I used to be without Zoloft. I tried Ritaline (self-medication), and it really lifted my mood and gave me energy. When I talked to my psychiatrist, he said he have no knowledge of using Ritaline in Adults for depression, (In French speaking countries, Ritaline is only approved for children with ADHD). My questions are:

  1. Is it a good idea to add Ritaline to my treatment considering it helped once, is it worth it ?
  2. Should I try to convince my psychiatrist, or should I change doctors until I find one that understands me ?
  3. And if Ritaline is not the convenient one, what are my options, psychiatrists seem unable to treat me ? -considering I even tried Cognitive behavioral therapy, beside herbal remedies without results.

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 3 Days.

I would like to answer your question one after other:
1) Is it a good idea to add Ritaline to my treatment considering it
helped once, is it worth it ?
Yes it is a good idea. Infact adult attention deficit disorder is very
common among the people who have depression and many times goes
unnoticed. Even for resistnat depression, its a good option. You can
seriously consider adding Ritalin to your treatment.
2) Should I try to convince my psychiatrist, or should I change
doctors until I find one that understands me ?
Try convincing your psychiatrist and he will understand what you mean to say.
3) And if Ritaline is not the convenient one, what are my options,
psychiatrists seem unable to treat me ? -considering I even tried
Cognitive behavioral therapy, beside herbal remedies without results.
Other than ritalin, other options are atomoxetine. Then if the
depression is so resistant then the option of kitamine therapy or
electro convulsive therapy can also be effective option which have a
good remission rates. Other options that you can consider are using
Maclobamide (MaO inhibitors), armodafinil, lithium or valproate along
with your present antibiotic.
Hope this helps,
In case if you have any further concerns, do let me know.

Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy

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