Body feels like electrocuted on laying, funny heart beats.

Resolved question:
for the past 2 1/2 months, when i lay on my side at night (both sides) i feel like i am laying on a live wire and feel like my body is slowly being electrocuted and i feel slightly dizzy and my heart beats funny like it's out of normal rhythm, if i do not lay on my back within a few seconds, the symptoms get worse. I feel better when I lay on my back but noticed if i turn my head/neck slightly, I feel a dizzy sensation (the room never spins) i am taking toprol for sinus tachycardia but not sure if this is heart related or not. i never had any problems sleeping on my sides up until this.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello Katie,
Thank you for your query at
Before i can give my opinion i need to know a few more things :
1) What are your symptoms, apart from passing this strips? Any nausea/vomiting/ bloating?
2) Any recent change in dietary patterns and diet?
3) Any history of peri anal itching?
4) When was the last time you took your deworming tablet? Albendazole/ Mebendazole to be specific?
5) Any change in stool consistency?
Kindly answer the questions, and i will get back to you.

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Patient replied :

Okay answers to your questions are
1. Yes I do feel very nauseous....but I am 33/34 weeks pregnant. Also feel very dizzy and out of breath. I've had some visual disturbances...but I'm getting that looked at tomorrow and having a brain scan done. Vusual disturbances have been with me for a long time.
2. No changes in diet...but am drinking more fruit juice...only thing I can think of.
3. Had thread worms when i was a young kid. But no my bum is not itching internally.
4. Not something j would take unless I had worms which was when I was a child.
5. If anything I notice there's quite a bit of mucus (orange) around poo. Constipation.....which is common in pregnancy. But since having bran flakes this has eased up.
thought I'd mention I'm forever getting thrush infections. Total nightmare. Went for a food intolerance test 2 years ago and was told I potentially had an overgrowth of canida in the gut etc....
got gestinal diabetes in my last pregnancy...daughter now 16 months old. Now pregnant 34 weeks...had test and im on the cuff. Fasting amount was 4.6 ml and after was 7.8 ml
hope this answers your questions....also had emergency C Section with my daughter 16 months ago and had my appendix removed 2 years before that.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you for the follow up.
With a history of mucus and such bark like strips coming out, it is better to get your stool examined.
It does not look like worms, however the possibility can't be ruled out. Either it is an undigested food particle or worms.
Will it be possible for you to get your stool examined soon? If yes then i can advise you medicines after the test, or else prophylactically i will give you a de worming medicine.
Awaiting your reply,

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