Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.
The cough you are experiencing could be of two cause. It could be the manifestation of the virus itself (which in the first place got you the flu symptoms ). This is actually a common occurrence - a prolonged cough symptamatology following viral illness. Another cause is a secondary bacterial infection . The viral infection (flu) could make your respiratory epithelium fragile resulting in a bacterial infection. This is less likely, but possible. IF you are a long term smoker then risk for this increases.
Unfortunately OTC measures might not help you much. You could try steam inhalation with open mouth twice a day. You should not smoke for sure and plan for quitting altogether.
If you haven't had a physical examination and Chest Xray in last 1 year I strongly recommend consulting your GP as early as possible.
Edit : The upper leg pain is non specific. Unless you have been bed ridden in the recent past of long there is nothing much to worry about this pain, especially since it is resolving.
Hope this helps
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