Hi there! I'm very concerned about a bump on my leg (side of calf) that I've had for several months. At first, it was just pimple-like and colorless, and I thought it was some kind of small skin tag or something. But about two weeks ago, it scabbed over, and ever since, it's been bleeding. I'm attaching an image here. Of course, I'm very worried that it's something horrible like skin cancer and can't stop dwelling on the fear. I have an appointment with a dermatologist this week but was wondering if someone could help quell my anxiety until then with some educated advice (I refuse to google my "symptoms" because I just know that'll get me more worked up).
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Hello.Thanks for posting your query on DoctorSpring.com. I can understand your concern.It does not look like anything like skin cancer. You have mentioned that it's bleeding continuously. Please could you elaborate on that? Does it bleed when you scratch on it or on its own? Thanks.
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