Bed bug bite symptoms

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Resolved question:
I have some strange insect bite marks on my forearm. How do i know if they are bed bug bite marks? And how do I treat bed bug bites?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Bed bug bite marks are very similar to other insect bite marks. It may range from small bite marks to large rashes. Bed bug bites may also have different reactions depending the individual. It is very hard to verify if you have been bitten by a bed bug unless you find one . And even if you are sure they are bed bug bite marks you don't have to worry because they are not dangerous and don't require any medical attention. If excessive itching occurs a local anaesthetic and an antiseptic cream can be applied. You can also try applying a soothing Aloe Vera gel to control the itching and to relieve the burning sensation due to the bites.

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