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Back and groin pain

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I have had going back and groin pain for past 10 years which has had a big effect on quality on life. An MRI scan was carried out but results were never fully explained in a way that would make sense to me GP very reluctant to reiterate medical terminology in a way that I could understand. Extremely poor attitude from GP. Was informed that the pain is something I would have to learn to deal as it would always be there with no explanation as to why it was occurring. Over the last 6 months I have had numbness/tingling sensation down right leg and frequent episodes of sciatica. Within the last few weeks that numbness/tingling has eased down but I have lost majority of feeling to right foot however he felt this was unrelated. From what I was told about the findings on MRI there is an extra lower lumbar vertabrea, osteophyte in spine also the sacroiliac joint is partly obliterated. Obviously nothing serious as I was only referred to physiotherapy which only settled pain for 1-2 days. Could you explain what this means I would be very greatful if you could make even a little sense of this problem Still awaiting medical notes for a second opinion therefore have no imaging to download.

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 18 Doctors Online

Hello, and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring. I totally understand what you must be going through.

I will require you to answer a few questions so that I can get more clarification on your case and am able to give you an informed opinion.
1) Does the pain worsen when you cough, sneeze or laugh? bending? or standing?
2) How would you describe the pain? As a burning or pricking sensation?
3)Do you feel that you can sense hot and cold in the area of your foot where you feel you have lost sensation on the right foot?
4)Do you feel that the footwear of your right foot slides down?
5) Are you under a lot of stress?
6) Is your sleep cycle normal?
7) Do you have any other health problems and are on medications for the same?

Please answer my questions as they will give me a better understanding of your case. Please reply as a follow up.
And if you do get your MRI reports, I will be glad if you uploaded them.


Patient replied :

Thankyou for your quick reply it is so much appreciated.
1/2) pain is a dull ache increases after standing for long periods or when sitting up right for to long.When I have bad days its more of a sharp intense pain which gets to a point where I have been physically sick. Top of thigh and groin feels like constant pressure and is tender to touch. Trying to mask pain is becoming harder do end up limping at end of day movement tends to stiffen up.
3) Can still sense more cold than hot around foot. Foot tends to be really cold regardless have difficulty warming it up. As silly as it sounds toes seem to have lost there colour, really pale but do blanch slightly with touch.
4) No sliding with foot wear. Both feet seem to have shrunk now size smaller toes more clubbed think that's down to age though.
5) No more than the normal regular every day stresses with work and Children.
6) Increased fatigue and very disturbed sleep patterns but do work shift and regularly rotate between days and nights.
7) I have no other health concerns. Eat quite a healthy diet and do not carry any extra Weight. Do not smoke or have any alcohol Intake.
many thanks

Hello and thanks for the information.
I have read your reply and gone through your symptoms.
The presence of pain which has has lasted over a long time and other associated symptoms suggests that there is some other reason also for the pain.

Presence of lumbarization of the sacral vertebrae which means that there is non fusion of the first and second segment of your sacrum (the bone at the base of your spine which forms part of the pelvis). Lumbarization causes the lumbar spine to have an extra lower lumbar vertebrae. (as in your case). This lumbarization is a common cause for lower back pain which can lead to intermittent spasms, which explains the lower back pain you are having. However the only present therapy for this condition is physiotherapy in the presence of symptoms.

The other symptoms you are experiencing are most probably part of a generalized disorder known as FIBROMYALGIA. which causes musculoskeletal pain and numbness and tingling sensation. ( The symptoms you are having in your leg)
My advise to you would be to take a second opinion from a neurophysician and get an MRI of you brain done.
There are good medicines like Cymbalta, Pregabalin & others which can be taken on prescription and will be very helpful to you.

Start doing routine physical exercise like brisk walking, running etc.
Do meditation and yoga. These 2 should help you control your symptoms.

I hope this has helped. Feel free to follow up with any further queries.

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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