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Affordable HPV treatment due to no insurance

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Hi doctor,

I am a 23 years old male. I was sexually active with some girls. About 5 months ago, I started noticing some small bumps in my genital area. Two months ago, it was diagnosed that I have got HPV infection and those bumps are warts associated with the HPV. I heard that treating genital warts take much time and money. As of now, my insurance is lapsed and I have applied for Medicaid. But it is taking too much time for approval. I don’t know whether I will be qualified in that. Can I do anything at home to get rid of this frustrating disease? I don’t have enough money to consult doctor without insurance. I heard of some creams which will help in the removal of warts. Can I use some of them? Please help me at the earliest.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online

HPV infections are usually spread by skin to skin contact with infected people. In your case, sex with multiple partners may have caused the spread, as someone you had sex with may have genital warts. Warts are symptoms of HPV infection caused by Human Papilloma Virus. They are of different sizes and shapes and are usually shaped like a little cauliflower. It can occur months after getting infected from an infected partner. It can also stay dormant in body without showing any symptom of infection. You can leave those warts as such and it may go away after some time. Chances are there for a recurrence, spread or increase in number of warts. This depends on the immunity power of your body. It is better to leave them unattended till you can see you doctor, if the warts stay same and not increasing in number. You can try podophyllum or Warticon to remove warts and to reduce their spread. Many other removal options like cryotheraoy, laser treatment, surgical excision etc. are available. Hope it helps. Take care always.

Dr. John Fuller
Category: Family Physician-GP
MD - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship, Family Medicine - Lutheran Medical Center
Residency, Family Medicine - The Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. John Fuller and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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