Diabetes irregular rhythm

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My name is Katy and I am 31 and here recently I have been feeling bad on occasions. I feel like my blood pressure rises my body goes cool all over, my head feels strange, I feel tingling all over and my heart starts to raise. I feel at the time like I need to have a bowl movement and I do a little but that is not the problem. My blood pressure is from around 114/ 65 to maybe as high as 130/90 and although I usually have high blood sugar it is not high during this state. The last 2 times it has come on in a dead sleep around 3:00 in the morning. I also have little waves of feeling really strange cool and tingly. I even feel like I may pass out. When the wave hits me I feel the urge to have a bowl movement. Both today and last week I have had no medicine.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thank you for asking the query :

I am sorry to hear about your personal health problems and will my best to help you out here.

There are two major possibilities here. The first concern is a Diabetic autonomic dysfunction or Diabetic dysautonomia.. This is condition in which diabetes affects the nerves. You might be aware of diabetic peripheral neuropathy where the nerves in arms are legs are affected by Diabetes. The same can happen to the nerves that control the body organs and internal bodily functions there by causing symptoms like postural blood pressure changes, varying blood pressure, bowel problems, tingling, anxiety, panic attacks etc. This condition can only be diagnosed by some specific tests.

The second possibility is a low blood sugar in the night. Even though your blood sugar is well controlled at times in night the levels can go low due to hormonal effect. This is sometimes called Somogyi phenomenon. So this can give rise to a lot if similar symptoms.

So In this stage I would recommend you these steps :

  1. Get a 3.00 am Blood sugar level. If your home blood glucose meter, it should do
  2. ECG to know the heart rhythm
  3. Sodium and Potassium levels
  4. Make sure the Hypothyroidism and Blood sugar levels are adequately controlled
  5. Avoid Alcohol , Caffeine before sleep
  6. Plan for a Cardiologist / Diabetes specialist consult to rule out Diabetic Autonomic dysfunction.

I understand this might be bit complicated for you. But a proper evaluation and treatment will be really beneficial to you

Hope this helps.Thank you.

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