Thanks for your question and concern about HPV infection and associated ailments. It is worth noting that usually, HPV infections are harmless and just cause some warts which disappear by time. Body will gain immunity to prevent another outbreak of symptoms, once the warts disappear. But some types of infections are known to cause cervical cancer in females. This is not for sure and only a small percentage of females are affected with this. SO, it is difficult to say when cancer can occur. But genital warts will appear from about 2-12 months after getting infected with HPV. HPV infection can be prevented by taking vaccination of 3 doses once in 6 months. Once the course is completed, you will be protected for a lifetime. So, I strongly recommend you to have a vaccination. Cervical cancer and infection can be detected by a pap smear test. It is recommended to do pap smear test once in every year to rule out a possibility of cervical cancer. Hope my answer helps. Best of luck.