Hospital Affiliation : Clinic Dematech,Aashlok Hospital, Metro Hospital,JSR Medical Center, Delhi & Gurgaon
Delhi Medical Council DMC/R/01259
Consultant, Dermatolgy and Lasers, Gurgaon Visiting Consultant Dermatologist at Clinic Dematech, Aashlok Hospital, Metro Hospital, and JSR Medical Center.
Transplant DermatologyBotoxFillersMesotherapyLipodissolveChemical PeelingIntense Pulsed Light TherapyCO2 LaserNd: YAG LaserDiode LaserRadiofrequency.UVBIPUVA TherapyPatch TestingSurgical scar revision, especially acne scarsNon-surgical fat reduction (Beautytek, Radiofrequency machines, Draining PPC injection)Veneral DiseasesHair LossUrticaria