Yellow discharge from vagina on birth control. CHLAMYDIA.

Resolved question:
So I have this problem with my vaginal area and it makes me feel like I have something when I got tested I had chlamydia but got cured two months ago and haven't had any type of intercourse but I have tried new birth control pills and old soap that I used months ago but now my vaginal area is itching and wanted to know what it could be because after I got cured from my std there were no problems but now there are and I haven't done anything and I haven't had a period in four years but this month I came on but I think it's because I switched to the pill from the deposit shot and I went off yesterday but today I have a yellow you know what this could be

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for trusting us with your health concern.
You have recently had a period , and changed birth control.
You might be having a fungal ( yeast ) infection , that can happen even without having intercourse.
Do not use any soap, cleanser or special agent now there.
Just clean with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Try using Monistat cream and fluconazole tablet orally.
If you are not better after 7 days, please consult your doctor to have a culture swab of the discharge.
Let me know how it goes.
Take care.

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