Thank you for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I can understand your problem. According to nhs doctor, your MRI is normal. He didn't reply about fluid in inner ear.
Actually in normal ear there is fluid in inner ear, so it is not abnormal. But fluid in middle ear behind the eardrum is abnormal, that can be seen in MRI, if present.
Now for better understanding of your doubt I want to know about your ear symptoms- ? Hearing loss/ ear pain/ blocking sensation/ tinnitus/ ear discharge . what is your age?
Many time MRI is asked in one sided hearing loss just to rule out any lesion on hearing nerve.
You can mail your MRI report also, if you have.
Do you have any hearing test report also?
Hope this helps,
Best Regards
Dr. Sunil Jalan
Patient replied :
Thank you for the response, I managed to get a CD of the mri but sending it is tricky on here so i have send the images which can be open using a program called DICom litebox.
It appears they did a brain scan and a meatus scan. I dont have any copys of the hearing tests
I have tinitus now and again sounds like aircraft hum at altitude . I have a fullness feeling or as if something stuck behind the ear. my ears constantly click. They did a pressure check and said I have a negative prssure in the left ear the problem ear. My left hear has always been the good ear as my right was at birth till aged 14 had hole in it where they patched up. i was born with a clafe pallett and iris coloboma in both eyes. so at present despite my hearing being ok until last year (takes 9 months to get appointment here) they said its linked to my birth. (nhs) private doctor feels its liquid but did no scan said they would not do operation.
My left ear cannot be popped if feels nothing like how it used to no fresh air feelig. my ear used to proper pop with a gush not click which the ent is currently saying is the pop. Thes say I have a transmission and conductivity issue and this is to low level sounds .
At present NHS want to discharge me say contiunuation a birth issue at age 39
any way hope this helps
You mentioned you sent the dicom images.
But I couldn't find the file on the dashboard.
Please mail it to info@doctorspring.com