Will bleeding in toe after injury heal by own?

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Resolved question:
Dropped large chopping block on large arthritic toe. Bleeding has subsided until I move. Want to know if this is something that can heal at home or do I need a trip to the doctor k a, desperately trying g to avoid

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
If the bleeding has subsided, you can apply a dressing and prevent further bleeding on movement.
Bed rest is preferable and you need to take Ibuprofen or Tylenol SOS for pain relief.
I will advise you Chymotrypsin tablets to reduce the inflammation and the swelling in turn. Once the swelling comes down in a day or two, the dressing can be removed.
If the pain worsens or swelling worsens you will need to visit the ER.
Hope this was helpful,

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Patient replied :

If by chance the toe is crushed, there wouldn't be much help for I would there

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

If it is crushed toe, there is a likely chance of that too, you need to rule out a fracture.
If there is no fracture, then spontaneous recovery is the norm.

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