Admin Message -
Your consult has been assigned to a Dermatologist. Meanwhile, if you would like to share some high resolution pictures of the concerned area - they may be useful in providing a better opinion. You can reply/upload as follow-up reply or email to
Thank you
In-house Physician
Patient replied :
I emailed you threw photos for review of rash
Thanks for posting your query at I can understand your concern.
You seem to be having an infected cyst. You need to apply fucidin cream on it twice a day. That will resolve the infection.
The cyst can be treated by your dermatologist by burning it off.
Hope this helps, Please let me know if you have any queries.
Take care
Patient replied :
I don't have INS right now. Can it be frozen off? Lastly, can I purchase fucidin cream at my local pharmacy? One more, any particular reason why I have this cyst? Will the Alcortin A work ?
Thanks for your reply.
There is no reason to get the cyst.
Fucidin will need a prescription. Neosporin is available over the counter without a prescription.
It can be frozen off once the infection subsides.
Take care
Patient replied :
This is my last inquiry for sure. I appreciate your insight. I have been putting mupirocin 2% in it and it's still kinda inflamed. Again, no sore. Just cyst ( I hope) that is slightly raised and red.
Do you have anymore insight about diagnostic?
Thanks for your reply.
It's surely a cyst. You can continue application of mupirocin for one more week.
The inflammation will settle down. If there is pain you can take paracetamol tablet for it.
Take care