What are the chances of getting HIV by kissing a sex worker?

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Hi Dr.

I had previously contacted you my Consultation ID : - CS012220140530.

I just wanted to know one thing, yesterday I kissed a girl who works in a strip club and does such activities for a living, i.e. is a sex worker, for quite sometime, is it okay? I didn't have any bruises and/or cuts on my face and she didn't have either, as far as I know. We just kissed and cuddled nothing else, is this risky?

I am freaking out I don't want to go through the waiting period and HIV testing again, can you please let me know if this is risky, and if she had cuts then? I didn't have any that is certain but what if she had some cuts which I couldnt see?

Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Please don't be worried. HIV/AIDS infection is only transmitted through the following :-
1) Heterosexual intercourse, ( Vaginal, Anal sex )
2) Homosexual intercourse ( Men having sex with men )
3) Infected Needle Users for Drugs
4) Receiving contaminated blood.
These are the 4 ways through which HIV is spread. It is not spread through any act of kissing, even if the worker is positive. However what can spread is Oral herpes. Look out for development of cold sores in the mouth. In case you develop any sores, it will probably indicat that you have contracted Oral Herpes from her. Because most people with one STD have other STDs as well. This is just for your information. Since you still don't have any symptoms, you're good as of now.
Hope that answers your query.

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Patient replied :

So, in this case I shouldn't be worried correct? I know about these other things which can happen, but just wanted to be certain anojt HIV

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thanks for writing to us again.
No sir, i would like to repeat simple kissing doesn't spread HIV, even if the other person is infected. So don't worry about this.

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Patient replied :

Thank u sir

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

You are most welcome.

Take care.

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Patient replied :

Hi Doc,
As you know my history and all the tests that I have carried out so far at regular intervals. You have been there throughout as a Dr. consultant, you also did assure me that I need to carry on with my life, but yet this scare is always there, I cannot keep my mind off this tests upto a point that sometimes I start questioning the results. Can you recommend some medicine for this as it is freaking me out.
You were the same doc. assigned to me always, you can find my previous consultations at CS012220140530.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.

Hello. Thank you for posting the follow up.
I understand all your concerns and i went through your history once again.
You have to believe me that there is absolutely no chance that you can develop HIV and you should stop worrying about it asap. I can understand your anxiety but from your history you have absolutely no chances of getting HIV. There are medicines available for reducing anxiety, however you need a prescription for that, and you have to consult your local psychaitrist for that. I will advise you against it because this medicines work for a short while and you can develop dependence for the drug, leading to even more anxiety after stopping the drug. Please believe you just need to de-stress yourself. You can try out methods like yoga and meditation, and they can be helpful in your case.
Once again please stop worrying because there is absolutely no reason to worry.

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