What are options for alternative CONTRACEPTION PILL for MERCILON.

Resolved question:
I'm on a contraception pill called Mercilon that is going to run out end of January, I usually get it in the UK and my doctor prescribes me enough for the time I'm in the US. I don't go back to the UK till march and I'll need a set for February. I was wondering what my options were

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Hematologist

Expert:  Dr. Prasad Eswaran replied 4 Days.

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Patient replied :

Dr. Deepu,
Thank you for your re-assurance. I just have a small follow up question. I have read that rabies can incubate in humans for many years (20+), which is what started the entire issue for me. Can you please shed some light on how or why it can take so long? Thank you for your time.

Expert:  Dr. Prasad Eswaran replied 3 Days.

I totally understand your concern.
But the case you're referring too, a patient who manifested rabies encephalitis after 25 years, was bitten by a dog and in his case the virus went into a latent phase which is not what happens usually. Such things can't be predicted and it was an one-off case.
Most people who contract rabies manifest symptoms within 1-3 months, may be 2-3 % take up to an year to manifest.
So from your history, there is no risk at all.

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