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Got genital warts after five years from infection

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Hi doctor, when I was about 18 or 19, I got infected with HPV and got genital warts in conjunction with that. It was long back. It started as a single wart and I managed to remove it using an herbal remedy, I found from internet. I successfully removed it then and had not got it back at that time. I was really unaware of genital warts at that time. I also didn’t know how it started, as I don’t remember about the sexual relations I had then. After 10 months or so, from that time, I got a girlfriend and started having sexual relationship with her. After 7 or 8 months from the starting of that relationship, she got affected with genital warts which shocked me. She later underwent treatments and got them removed successfully, as she got good treatment. But after a few months, warts started reappearing in me it developed in some 4-5 little spots and started growing bigger. I started using Warticon cream to treat this. But they were not cured completely. Later my relationship with the girl broke due to some other reasons. Now, what is the reason for the reappearance of warts? Is continuous sexual relationship caused the outbreak? I would like to get rid of them all at once, after these years. Is it possible? I heard of various medical methods to treat warts including cyrotherapy and application of warticon cream. They worked initially for me but the warts reappeared after a period of time, say within a month or less. I have done about 6 times of treatment by now, with recurring results. It even reappeared in some other spots that it appeared before. I think that the Aldara cream is better than Warticon, as it helped to treat warts better and I initially used it with good results. But my GP refuses to prescribe it as he seems to have some sort of dislike with Aldara. He referred me back to GUM clinic and after this long time, it seems that I should bear this for the rest of my life? Is my immune system in body too weak to fight with HPV virus and throw it out of my body? I am normally built with a healthy body and normal BMI. I also don’t smoke even if I drink twice a week or so. I would like to start a new relationship and is at the onset of that. I have informed about my situations to her. Will a sexual relationship with her end up in getting her infected with this virus? Will there be any other physical problems associated with this infection? Can another relationship worsen my situation too, by enhancing symptoms? Moreover, I use to get a warm sensation around my penis nowadays. It is not so burning or inflammatory but it is still there. I am hygienic as far as genitals are concerned. I also get an itching feeling along with a slight burning sensation in my scrotum and around the anus. It feels like an internal inflammation rather than an external one. Is this a symptom of HPV infection? I have done tests to rule out other sexually transmitted infections. I started using condoms since I found that I am infected with HPV. I spoke about my problems with many doctors and nurses and no one seems to have correct answers to my questions. Please help me with this. Thanks in advance.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 24 Doctors Online

Thanks for your question. It is really unfortunate to know that you are badly affected with HPV and related issues. As you may know, genital warts are symptoms which show that one is affected with the most common sexually transmitted infection. It is caused by a virus named Human Papilloma Virus and it comes in different types, say about 70 strains. It can infect both male and female of human beings and at any age. Some HPVs affect females more causing cervical cancer. Most of the affected people are aged 17 to 33 years. These are highly contagious diseases and can affect the sex partner even while using a condom. Condoms do not ensure 100% protection against HPVs. Situations worsen if the wart is not in the shaft of penis and not covered by the condom. In contrary to popular belief, it is caused by skin to skin contact between infected and non-infected than through penetrative sex. Even a single sexual contact can ensure about 60% chance of transmitting the virus to the non-infected partner from an infected person. Multiple sex partners, use of contraceptive pills etc. are indirectly associated with getting affected with HPV. As birth control pills are used, barrier methods like condoms are not used, encouraging the spread of virus. No medical treatment is effective in complete eradication of virus, if it is once affected. In about 20-30% of infected people, it is seen to go away by its own, as the virus is put to a dormant stage in three or four months. But it is seen recurring after a year or so, in most of the people. Causes of recurrence of infection are many. Repeated infection from another partner, persisting virus in and around hair follicles, undetected or deeper lesions which are not treated well etc. can lead to a recurrence of virus activity. During pregnancy also, it is found to become more active, causing an increase in number of warts formed. Abstinence from sexual contact with those who are known to have infection is the easiest and effective method to prevent an infection. Treatment options are as mentioned by you including cryotherapy, laser therapy, surgical excision of lesions, electro dessication etc. Of these, cryotherapy is considered as the most effective and painless method. It has the fewest number of side effects too. In laser therapy, some sort of anesthesia is needed as local anesthesia or general anesthesia.  In electrodessication, electricity is used to kill affected lesions along with virus.  I hope I have answered your query in detail. Take care.

Dr. John Fuller
Category: Family Physician-GP
MD - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship, Family Medicine - Lutheran Medical Center
Residency, Family Medicine - The Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. John Fuller and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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