Way to lose weight without having loose skin.

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I am 24 year old male who is trying to lose weight. I am 5'8 and 238lbs. My highest weight was 260lbs and I have had the same "Shape" stomach/breasts/thighs since I was about 11 years old patientold. My goal weight is 170. Do I need to worry about having hanging lose skin? I realize that if I lose it slower my skin will react better but I have been this large as long as I can remember and am worried about it "snapping back"

Thanks for any help!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Souvik Adhikari replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thank you for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
You're overweight for your age, and it is a good thing that you have already started working on it, and you have already started losing weight. As a person keeps gaining weight, the skin sometimes become very lose, however if you work on it, exercise regularly, and reach your optimum weight then it should not be a problem. I will also advise you to work out regularly, the more you do weight training, it puts a lot of pressure on the muscles, leading to their hypertrophy and helps you lose a lot of calories. I will advise you to put up a picture of what ' shape ' you're actually trying to describe.
As per my recommendation, if you follow a proper diet, with more of grilled vegetables/soups/ and chicken for the time being, and also work out like 5 times a week, you will start losing weight and also the loose skin will slowly disappear. But you need to make sure that you continue working out regularly. Some people have extremely bad metabolism, and the only way to increase it is by steady walking aroind 30-45 minutes per day coupled with strenuous work out. Make sure your diet is not fatty, since the more fat intake you have, the more it converted to oestrogen in the body, leading to loose skin.
Hope this was helpful,

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Patient replied :

Hello and thanks for getting back to me. I am not concerned with my diet or exercise routine and plan to lose 1-4LBS a week depending on how I’m feeling (Because if i push myself too hard ill just give up) but I am satisfied with my current rate of weight loss and am not concerned with my routine and know how to adjust it according to my current BMR
You are a license dermatologist yes?
So I am only concerned about your cosmetic opinion as a dermatologist on whether or not after losing and additional 67LBS from my current weight of 237LBS; if I am going to have ugly lose skin as of a result of the weight loss.
I am asking because all examples I can find online (before and after pics) really only relate to people losing 100+LBS and are usually older than I am.
So with these pictures and all the information I provided you in my last post what is your opinion? Please consider all the information I have provided.
Also I apologize in advance for you having to look at my ugly body. lol
Thanks so much! & looking forward to an answer!

Expert:  Dr. Souvik Adhikari replied 3 Days.

Hello Sir. Thank you for the follow up.
I have seen your pictures and based on them I can say with certainty that you would be left with loose skin once you achieve your target weight. Skin elasticity is limited and although a small amount of retraction can occur, still you'd be left with excess skin especially over your lower tummy for which you might need some surgical correction later on.
Feel free to discuss further,
Dr. Souvik Adhikari, MBBS, MS, MCh (Plastic Surgery)

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Patient replied :

Thanks for your honest opinion. Can you tell me how much the proceedure for skin reduction usually costs? Also is it my only option? I really hate scars. I realize that its 'healthier' to lose weight and be left with saggy skin but I can take my shirt off now and feel fine.. but if I had saggy skin I dont know if I would EVER show my body at all and am wondering if its worth it if I cant afford cosmetic surgery.
Is there anything else I can be doing to aid my skin to retract more as I lose weight?
Thanks for any advice!

Expert:  Dr. Souvik Adhikari replied 2 Days.

I practice in India therefore the costs are much less here compared to the Western world. Yes, body contouring by skin resection is your only option after weight loss. The scars are strategically placed in hidden areas so you need not be too concerned with them. Apart from surgery, you can put on a supportive pressure garment during the priod of weight loss and after body contouring surgery.
Feel free to discuss further,

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