Thanks posting your query at DoctorSpring.com. I am Dr. Kini and I am pleased to assist you.
Abdominal pain and relief after taking antacids points more towards an acidity related issue and ulcer disease is a possibility.
You can get an upper GI endoscopy done to see if this abdominal pain is due to ulcer.
You can consider taking OTC prilosec twice a day before food for good relief of symptoms.
Since you do not have a loose stool, parasite is less likely. But still you can also get a stool test done as you have mentioned, your stool is somewhat greenish in color.
I hope that answers your question. Please let me know if I can assist you further.
Patient replied :
How come on some days where i take antacids I still find myself throwing up? Could that point to another issue?
Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.
Antacid as such does not directly prevent vomiting. Its main mode of action is neutralization of acids and relief of pain.
Moreover, we need to analyze all the symptoms taken together and not just one symptom. Based on the other symptoms you have, ulcer disease is a possibility.
Whether you have ulcer disease or not can be confirmed only with an upper GI endoscopy.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Patient replied :
I forgot to mention, I also have a sick/hungry feeling that accompanies me when I wake up, but before I have a chance to eat Im already on the toilet and throwing up.
Do you still believe Ulcer Disease is most likely?
Is there anything else that takes into account all the symptoms?
1) wake up with Sick/hungry feeling, run to bathroom.
2) Throwing up or dry heaving while having trouble with bowl movement
3) greenish soft stool, sometimes liquid, but not always
4) general sick feeling almost all day afterwards
Hunger pangs like feeling is again another symptom of ulcer disease.
Most of your symptoms point towards ulcer disease. That is why I gave an opinion like that and advised you to get an upper GI endoscopy done.
In my earlier post itself I told you that the bowel symptom is not related and you need to get a stool analysis done.
The bowel symptom could be due to irritable bowel syndrome.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.