Resolved question:
I am 25 year old female of normal height and weight and have the following issues...
I have very hair nipples.
I have a mustache.
I have a lot of acne.
I have very dark bags under my eyes.
What could be wrong with me?
4 Days
Thank you for using Ask a Doctor Service from Doctor Spring. I can understand your problem and will try to the best possible. Excess hair growth in unwanted area such as facial hair (moustache) or in the chest (around nipples) and acne is commonly caused by high level of a hormone called androgens in your body. This condition is medically termed hirsutism. It is quite common in women and seen to affect one to three women in every 20. There are wide ranges of treatment options available, and I’m quite certain it will help you to get rid of these unwanted hairs. Firstly, I would suggest you to consult with GP to evaluate the cause for his problem, one of the commonest causes for the excess unwanted hair growth are PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). If your periods have been irregular, then PCOS could be the cause. Hormones such as testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone may be measured to check for signs of polycystic ovary syndrome. Secondly, for cosmetic reason, you might just want to remove the facial hair, or the around the nipples. The treatment of hirsutism requires patience, because hair follicles have a life cycle of about six months. Most medications must be taken for six months before a noticeable improvement occurs. There are lot of hair removal techniques available for this purpose and the choice is yours. Along with these, certain medications can also help to reduce the androgen hormone level in your body such as oral contraceptive pills, or anti androgen drugs such as spironolactone. You must consult with your GP to get advice on taking these medications. Eye bags are very common, it can develop due to hereditary factors, lack of sleep, illness, stress and nutritional deficiencies. Try the following natural remedies to cure dark bags under your eyes, if it doesn't improve then consult with your GP. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have further queries. Thank you.