Vaginal bleeding between periods and severe pelvic pain

Resolved question:
I have been having some vaginal bleeding that is between my regular periods accompanied by some severe pain in my pelvic region. The bleeding started as just a couple hours on Monday, then just a couple hours again Thursday. But I have now been bleeding for about 10 hours, and the pain has been much worse. I even took 800 mg of Advil, and it took more than an hour for me to feel any sort of relief from that. The rate of flow is about the same as the middle of my period, but it's a week too early for that. I should have already ovulated this month, although I don't do anything to track that.

I want to know 1) should I be concerned, and how much? and 2) is there anything else I can do for the pain?

When I have a pelvic exam in June, the report came back completely clean-- no fibroids, cysts, or any other problems, and a clean pap.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.


Thanks for writing to us at with your health concern.

1. Yes, you should be concerned, but not overtly anxious. Some amount of erratic vaginal bleeding happens once in a while to every woman. There could be various causes for such irregular bleeding - some of the commoner ones include anxiety , stress, weight gain, hypothyroidism ( which you are having ) . Changes in jobs, alteration in eating or sleeping habits - all these can cause this.

If these are reasonably ruled out, the first thing I would next suspect is pregnancy - or related complications ( such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy ). Was your regular period quite normal ? And have you never experienced this kind of midcycle erratic flow ? A pregnancy test would go a long way in ruling out this leading cause.

Next would be conditions like - polycystic ovarian disease, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, cervical lesions like polyps, growths, lesions etc - which can cause such bleeding.

Since a recent exam was normal, this scenarios is less likely, however its been almost 5 months since your exam.

2. For the pain, you can take painkillers three times a day. Hot water bottles will help you too, as will taking rest, and limiting physical activity to a minimum.

Right now, you can wait a watch.
If the pain does not let up, or the bleeding intensifies , I would recommend -
1. A gynecological exam ( Per vaginum and per speculum ).
2. A pelvic ultrasound scan.
3. Recent TSH levels.

All the best.
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.


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