UTI secondary to urethral obstruction.

Resolved question:
Hey it hurts really bad when I pee it burns really bad and its really red inside of my pee hole and when I do pee it goes everywhere instead of a stream what's wrong

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank your for your consult at DoctorSpring.com.

You might have an obstruction in your urethra and it sounds like it is infected. An obstruction can be anything from a stone or caliculi to an abnormal growth to infection and inflammation ~ causing the redness, pain and the urine that goes everywhere

To know for sure you need to get examined and possibly do further testing. You will need to do blood tests (including counts of hb, white blood cells, etc), urine analysis, and possibly some imaging studies to locate the stricture if suspected. If an infection is present you will need to determine if there is bacteria present and if so antibiotics will help treat it. Go to the emergency room if it is very intolerable or else make an appointment with your urologist as soon as possible.

By the way how old are you? Do you have fever or pain in your abdomen? Any other symptoms? This information might help me give you more suggestions.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions. Take care.

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Patient replied :

Yes I have pain in my lower back and abdomen there no blood it my urine it just burns when I pee and my inside part were I pee is really red kinda

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thanks for the follow-up.

You definitely have an infection and maybe an obstruction. I would advise you seek treatment right away as I suggested earlier. You will need to treat your infection with antibiotics, Ciprofloxacin 500mg/twice a day and do further imaging studies for structural abnormalities, stones, etc. If you are over 50 then your chance of cancer increases and you will need to check your prostate for enlargement as well. Hope this helps. Take care.

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