Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.
I would like to know some additional information from you so that I can help you better.
1. Do you always have this burning sensation ? Or is occasional (like only in the early morning)
2. If you drink a lot of water, does it make any difference for the symptoms ?
3. Even had lower abdominal pain ?
4. What are the aggravating factors ? - any diet ? sex ? any particular drinks ? alcohol ?
5. Do you the name of the antibiotic you had ?
You can reply as a followup
Thank you
Patient replied :
I have this burning sensation mostly all day but worse it seems in the morning and night and when i hold my pee. Drinking less water does seem to help because im not using the bathroom so much but no always. Yes i have had abdominal pain too. and pain in the left lower side. i do have painful intercourse but cant say it makes it worse. i havent noticed anything in diet that makes things worse as of yet. I dont drink. The antibiotic I do not remember but it was for 7 days. Thank you . Test results came back yesterday for yeast and all those in house infections they can test and they were negative. All I am waiting for is all the other test that take a week.
Thank you for the additional information.
I would rather suggest an approach rather than a single solution here :
Further testing might not yield more results. A presumptive treatment approach would be better. A different class of antibiotic may be taken in consult with your Doctor which will cover the major UTI causing organisms. Since you had an antibiotic course the culture tests are unlikely to turn positive.
One another option is a topical oestrogen application. This will help in restoring the normal bacterial flora in the vagina thereby inhibiting growth of micro organisms. This has to be applied as intravaginal estriol cream (0.5 mg estriol nightly for two weeks then twice weekly ).
Further investigations like Excretory urography and cystoscopy may be considered at a later stage.
I would like to assure you that there is nothing 'seriously' wrong here. This more like a passing phenomenon and can be well treated.
Hope this helps
Feel free to ask follwoups
Thank you
Patient replied :
Okay so it could be hormone related? I will give that a try. It just scares me. What most bugs is peeing so often and the slight burns that comes with it plus just an uncomfortable irritation in vagina. Could it also be caused maybe from shaving completely? Thank you for your help and time.
NO this is not hormone related, but hormones can be used as 1 treatment alternative to induce "good" bacterial growth. Do not worry and there is no reason to be sacred. There is most probably an infection which can be taken care of. Complete shaving should not cause this. So probably unrelated.
I would recommend a physical examination once more. followed by a course of antibiotics. If the symptoms persists the hormone option can be considered.
Thank you
Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Patient replied :
Okay thank you. Last thing, I noticed that it burns super bad after I workout. I mean bad. I don't know if that helps. And when I wipe or from rubbing on my clothes it burns. Could it be my uretha that hurts and not my actual vagina? I'm scared to death waiting for those std results.
This irritation if most likely from the vagina. But again that is the big questions. Exercise induced dehydration might be a cause. Other possibility is sweating or friction abrasion. DO stay well hydrated ahead of the workout.
Hope this helps
Thank you